About Me

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I love all kinds of art. There are so many mediums to I have yet to explore and I find each one challenging and rewarding. I wish I had more time for it all. My family and job keep me busy, but I try to set aside time when I can, not only for the simple enjoyment, but also to continue to develop as an artist. I have two boys who are nearing college, and I try to spend as much time with them as I can. They are the most important thing in my life. I also love nature and the outdoors, I can often be found fishing, hunting, or just hanging out in the beautiful outdoors that God has given us.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Hanging Out.

I finally completed these two projects.  They were my first two holiday ornaments and have become sort of a labor of love.  I will hate to see the Valentine guy go, but everything IS FOR SALE.  I think he has a cool vintage feel to him and came together well.  I always love the vintage man in the moon stuff too.  Stay tuned...lots of new ideas coming to the table.  I will attempt to do some sculpting with gourds next.  They really are a cool media to use with the clay.  Thanks always for stopping by. 

Thursday, March 7, 2013

One off the Paint Table

Well, I finally finished painting my first project.  I am really pleased with how this guy turned out.  He really reminds me of those vintage "man in the moon" images from way back when.  This is my first time using the German Glass Glitter and learned a little more about how to apply it.  Hopefully it is uphill from this one.  I was challanged a little bit making him.  I finished the little moon and star that will come in to play on a later project.  Looking forward to this weekend to get some more stuff painted.  Thanks for stopping by my blog. 

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Cigars get lit

Well I finished up some details with the sculpting of my pieces and finally started painting some items.  The only two things I got completely done were the two little cigars.  They appear to be lit and they were lots of fun to make.  I think they look pretty convincing.  Just one more coat of sealer and they can find a home.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Finishing Touches

Okay, so I got to work on my firecracker guy and sculpted him some hands and positoned them with wires to be holding his ears.  Still playing with doing some sort of base for him or possibly extending his body to be taller.  I will add clay to his arms tomorrow.

A friend at work has been admiring my clay sculpted cigar that I keep on my computer.  Everyone tries to pick it up because they think someone left a lit cigar sitting there.  I did two with remnants of clay.

As promised, I gave my "man in the moon" guy a nice top hat.  He seems to like it a lot.

The little "chicken basket" gets a handle too with hanging easter egg like the vintage one that inspired the work.  It is gonna be neat.  Now to tackle something that will be holding it.

Here's the whole gang waiting to meet the paintbrush.  I need to quit my job.  Haha.