About Me

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I love all kinds of art. There are so many mediums to I have yet to explore and I find each one challenging and rewarding. I wish I had more time for it all. My family and job keep me busy, but I try to set aside time when I can, not only for the simple enjoyment, but also to continue to develop as an artist. I have two boys who are nearing college, and I try to spend as much time with them as I can. They are the most important thing in my life. I also love nature and the outdoors, I can often be found fishing, hunting, or just hanging out in the beautiful outdoors that God has given us.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

My Sons Pinewood Car in Progress

Well, I have been  helping my son add some details to his Pinewood Car for Boy Scouts.  He chose to make the car like his favorite game for XBox....Epic Mickey Mouse. 
I made him responsible for shaping and painting the car, and I focused on the carving/sculptural elements.  I carved the lower body of Mickey Mouse and then sculpted the upper body and Head seperately using a clay compound that hardens like rock.  The only problem I am running in to, is that the clay in very heavy.  I have really had to pay attention to the weight.  Pinewood derby cars can not weigh more than 5 ounces.  I will try to publish pictures when I am finished.